Farah DeJohnette

With a background in classical dressage, Farah uses liberty principles and a focus on biomechanics to lead horses through her Holistic Horsemanship program. Farah’s Holistic Horsemanship program starts by looking at the whole horse, and not just training exercises that focus on tasks and completion of those tasks. The cornerstone and foundation of her system is based on her Ohana Equine Human Relationship Exercises. She practices Horse Listening to understand WHY the horse is saying what they’re saying not just “fixing” the “problem”. She looks at the health, diet, hooves, lifestyle, equipment, Chinese Medicine Element typing and the well-being of the horse.


The overview of her system utilizes the following elements:

OEHR Relationship building exercises

Her Holistic Training approach, which integrates liberty training and Classical Dressage principles

Holistic Horse care and lifestyle, and environment

Traditional Chinese medicine and Element Typing horses to understand individual character, best training approach and health issues associated with that element

Natural balance dentistry

Hoof care using non-metal protection (plastic, or other materials) and barefoot methods.

Properly-fitted tack and equipment choices

Non-force Chiropractic and bodywork

Zoopharmacognosy and self-selection

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